10 Cold Weather Auto Maintenance Tips for Arizona Winters

Arizona is known for having great weather, so some people don’t realize that we still get plenty of cold days throughout the winter. The temperature change can be hard on your vehicle, and it’s especially important to get your car ready before any long road trips.

It’s important to get regular car maintenance as the seasons change, especially if you’re planning a road trip or can’t afford to skip your daily driving. Follow the following ten tips to make sure your car is ready for anything the weather throws at us.

1. Have Your Car Battery Tested

This is one of the most important things you can do when the weather gets cold. Batteries don’t do well in extremely hot weather or extremely cold weather. This makes the summers in Arizona hard on car batteries, but sometimes the occasional cold days will be what finally do your battery in. If your battery hasn’t been replaced within the last couple of years, you’re definitely overdue for a quick battery test.

2. Get Your Car’s A/C Repaired

No, that isn’t a typo. You might think you only need your car’s heat to work on cold days, but the air conditioning can actually be even more important. If your windshield ever gets foggy because of cold temperatures, turning on the defrost will actually push cool air toward the windshield. If the A/C isn’t working, your window might not be able to get clear. This is definitely something to keep in mind if your car’s air conditioning was starting to lag at the end of summer.

3. Check Tire Pressure

The dip in temperature can make your tire pressure change dramatically. As temperatures rise and fall throughout the year, keep an eye on tire pressure to make sure you’re not driving around with the wrong tire level. Your tires will wear out more quickly if you drive them when they’re too full or too low, and it can also be dangerous.

Keeping your tires at the right pressure will help make sure you have plenty of traction. While you’re at it, check the tread of your tires. Bald tires are dangerous at any pressure, so it’s important to make sure the entire tire is in good condition.

4. Check Engine Coolant

If you spend a lot of time driving in the Valley of the Sun during the summer, you might already know how important engine coolant is. It may keep your engine from overheating when temperatures rise above 100°F, but the coolant also works like antifreeze in the winter. You normally don’t have to worry about your engine block freezing if you stay in the Phoenix area, but it becomes more of a concern when you head north or hit the mountains. Most vehicles should have the cooling system serviced every 60,000 miles at a minimum.

5. Replace Your Windshield Wipers

Many drivers in the Phoenix area elect to get desert wipers. This is great for cars that spend a lot of time in hot, dry, sandy conditions, but they’re definitely not ideal for any time when you might encounter snow. Before you make a long drive to see your family for the holidays, make sure you have the right windshield wipers on your vehicle. Driving into the mountains or any other snowy environment without the appropriate windshield wipers can make it hard to see when the snow starts falling.

6. Get Accessory Drive Belt Repair

The best way to make sure your drive belt is functional is to get preventative car maintenance at regular intervals. If it’s been a while since a professional looked under your hood, be listening for sounds like chirping or squealing whenever you first start your car. Drive belts eventually become stiff and worn, which can cause them to break and leave you stranded. Cold temperatures make these belts less flexible, which further increases your risk of a break.

7. Check Your Suspension

Ideally, you should be getting the entire suspension system checked on a fairly regular basis. Struts start to get worn out once they have about 80,000 miles on them. This may not be as noticeable when you’re just driving around the flat, dry roads here in Arizona. If you go anywhere with snow, though, you may notice that your car doesn’t handle very well.

The suspension system is known for producing a gentle ride, but it also helps your vehicle maintain good contact with the ground. Keeping all of your wheels firmly on the road will lead to all of the following:

  • Improved traction
  • Reduced swaying
  • More responsive braking

8. Check the Thermostat

The thermostat is always important, and especially when the temperatures get very high or low. In the summer, we rely on our thermostats to keep the engine from overheating. In the winter, we want the thermostat to make sure the engine is hot enough. It may not seem like a gas engine would need very much help to stay warm, but it’s critical for a few reasons.

For one thing, your engine needs to be at the right temperature to perform as efficiently as it can. If you’re planning a long winter road trip, you want to make sure you’re getting good fuel economy. Maximizing your gas mileage will mean fewer unwanted stops and less expense. Your heater will also work better when the thermostat is functioning properly, which will keep you comfortable as you head into cooler climates.

9. Buy Cold Weather Windshield Wiper Fluid

This is something you probably won’t have to worry about if you’re spending all winter in the Phoenix area (unless it gets unusually cold). This is definitely something to consider before you drive north during the winter, though. Some windshield wiper fluid is made especially to stay in its liquid state in extremely cold weather. Frozen windshield wiper fluid is ineffective, and it can also damage your vehicle.

10. Don’t Blow a Gasket!

Sometimes gaskets malfunction when temperatures drop. The gaskets and their rubber seals shrink a little bit as temperatures get lower, which can turn a minor leak into a major problem. As engine oil leaks onto your exhaust system, it will quite literally go up in smoke. The smell of burning and the sight of smoke is almost never good signs when it comes to your car. If you notice either of those two things, we recommend bringing your car in for maintenance as soon as possible.

Winter Car Maintenance at Valley Chevy Dealers

With multiple locations throughout the Valley of the Sun, Valley Chevy Dealers know what it takes to keep Arizona drivers on the road (even when they head out of state). Bring your vehicle to us for regular maintenance, and we’ll make sure you’re ready for the upcoming seasons.

You can even let us know when you’re planning to take a trip to the mountains, and we’ll prepare your car for snow and extremely cold temperatures.

Find a location near you and bring your car in for service today.

Featured Image: Smishura / Shutterstock 

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